Domus in the Community
Domus is located in the Upper Valley in Etna, NH
At Domus, we believe in giving back to the community by supporting nonprofits at the local and national levels. Simply put, we think it’s the right thing to do. Organizations and charitable events we support include:
- Lebanon-based WISE, which provides sexual and domestic violence support throughout the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont
- Northern Stage, a professional theater company based in White River Junction, Vermont that also offers educational camps for children and other community outreach programs
- Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit that builds and repairs homes for needy families throughout the world using volunteer labor and donations
- The Prouty, an annual cycling, walking, rowing and golfing event in Hanover to benefit the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center
- The Granite United Way chapter, which serves more than a half million residents in New Hampshire and Vermont
The Upper Valley Land Trust, an organization that works to protect land along the Connecticut River Valley in New Hampshire and Vermont
Domus President Bruce Williamson is a member and past president of the Hanover Rotary Club. We are proud members of the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.